Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Franken Polish- Names?

This is a combination of two WetN'Wild polishes- "The Gold & the Beautiful" and "Sparkled". I may wear this with the dress below, but am still unsure. Anybody have ideas on what I should name this new Franken?




  1. gold and pink franken never would have thought to combine those colors. it's soo pretty. mm i have no idea. goldfingers, golden sunset, shine shine

  2. Oooh- Coppertone is a great one! Or Goldfingers (gold, on my fingers)!

    Thanks ladies!


  3. Hi there! This is the gal from Canada who came into L'Occitane and we talked about perfumes! I was hunting down the quintessential rose scent... Hat a cool blog! ESP luv the lavender colored polishes! Anisa :)


Thank you for your comments!