When I saw it I clutched it to my chest and Ran! It was only $14.99 for the kit with 5 plates (29 designs), 6 polishes, and a top coat. Has anybody seen this brand or know anything about it?
UPDATE: We shall now call this Failnad- holy smeartastic batman! First it wouldn't pick up enough polish, then it would smear without the kind that came with it. Argh! Now I've ruined my mani :( 1 Bling for a good idea and price, but bad execution.
I also found the Color Club "Rebel Debutante" collection! Reviews to come!
JEALOUS! What an AWESOME find!!! My Ross is total crap. They never have anything good =[
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess your not so jealous now are ya! Heh, craptastic! That big ball of Fail is going back to Ross Tomorrow! :(
I grabbed two of those kits too from Ross, thinking I'd gift one to a co-worker so her kids could have fun without having to pay konad prices. The machine sucks! I was able to use the plates with my konad stamper and the included polish successfully for a little while, but when I tried later, it wasn't working as well. Not ready to give up on them yet though.